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[CQ-Contest] WW97CW, JAs, and VY1JA

Subject: [CQ-Contest] WW97CW, JAs, and VY1JA
From: jallen@yecl.ca (J. Allen)
Date: Tue Dec 2 19:10:22 1997
To All:

The contest held true to its start.  I ended up with over 2000 QSOs and
nearly a million points.  The contest was a great pleasure due to the
fantastic band conditions and to the excellent manners of the JA station
operators.  I was able to hold very high rates (for me) with the long JA
callsigns, because they would listen.  When I asked for something as small
as "T" they would stand by for the station with the T.  It was simply

I am still stumbling along with the CW, but I am learning.  Thanks to the
many ops that put up with it.  I use a narrow filter during contesting so
that I can pick one out of the pileups.  I am aware that once during the
contest I stepped on someone else's frequency because of it.  I moved
immediately when I was made aware of it. 

I hope most of  the score is left after it is reviewed by the contest

I am looking forward to finding you in the 10 meter contest later this

J.Allen,  (A.R.S. VY1JA)

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