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[CQ-Contest] RE: old books (off topic)

Subject: [CQ-Contest] RE: old books (off topic)
From: yo3ctk@alltrom.ro (yo3ctk)
Date: Thu Dec 11 13:02:05 1997
        -----Original Message-----
        From:   L. B. Cebik [SMTP:cebik@utkux.utcc.utk.edu]
        Sent:   None
        To:     yo3ctk@ALLTROM.RO
        Subject:        [CQ-Contest] Re: [TowerTalk] old books

        > This is no big deal for me as I was going to throw them out

        Please!  to all who have old books, never (NEVER, please) throw
them out
        without trying to find a new home for them.  This is not a plea
from a
        collector who places them on a shelf to show them off, but from
        who regularly reads them and learns from them--both stuff that
shows how
        we have progressed and stuff that shows what we have forgotten
along the
        way--along with how old some of our new ideas really are.  

        Please also do not forget that hams in former Communist
countries in Eastern Europe have for so long been cut from any
information. Instead of throwing away old books, you might just as well
make a fellow ham happy. This is not a plea for myself, as I have ways
and means to purchase the books I need, but rather for others, which
will surely appreciate the "old" books.

        Concerning old ideas, it is said that two of the most obsolete
domains in engineering are radio and automobile. This is because no
fundamental breakthrough have been made in either domain for more than
fifty years. All steps ahead (and they have been many) are due only to
improvement of technology, materials and so on, rather than new
fundamental concepts.

        Hopefully this statement will not fuel the debate concerning CW
being an obsolete way to communicate (which by the way I don't endorse).

        Thank you, L.B., for your comments. You remember me of my Elmer,
also a college professor.

        73 de Mike, YO3CTK

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