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[CQ-Contest] contest QSOs

Subject: [CQ-Contest] contest QSOs
From: dietz@texas.net (C. Logan Dietz)
Date: Mon Mar 9 14:06:51 1998
Felipe J Hernández wrote:

> For the solution of the report and exchanges, it has worked for
> me to end the QSo with a simple Thanks, its short and gets the
> message thru!

"Thanks" is a lot shorter than "QSL" at least in sylables.  I add words when
the going is slow (like almost always on 10!) and subtract when words it gets
faster.  I try to be "nicer" when it is slow to attract the apprehensive,
non-contester that can't decide if he will call or not.  This is the same
strategy that caused me to learn enough rudimentry Spanish to work non-English
speaking South Americans on 10.

Chuck, KZ5MM

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