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[CQ-Contest] Tape recorders

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Tape recorders
From: n6tr@teleport.com (Tree N6TR)
Date: Fri Jul 3 05:40:43 1998
There is one common use made of tape recorders that I haven't seen 
mentioned (yet).  During the WAE contest, it isn't uncommon for European 
stations to ask for QTC information "QRQ".  What they are doing is turning
on a tape recorder and dealing with it after the contest.  

I don't get too worked up about this in the WAE - because it really isn't
a very fair contest anyway (allowing assisted single ops to compete against
unassisted).  However, I do feel that this sort of activity is extending
the contest beyond the normal time limits.

I agree with those who point out that there isn't much that can be done
about this anyway.  It is really up to each individual to decide what
they can and can't do after the contest.  I am sure at some point in 
our lives, most of us have used a callbook to check the QTH of someone
we worked or to find out if that call was WB5HHS or WB5HSH for the 
only Arkansas multiplier we worked.  Hopefully as we matured and 
improved our operating techniques, we discovered it was easier just
to spend a few extra seconds doing it during the QSO.

If someone has the time and motivation to tape a 48 hour contest and 
then type in the log after the contest - they need to get a life.  

73 Tree N6TR

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