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[CQ-Contest] Sending callsigns

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Sending callsigns
From: frcuba@mail.infocom.etecsa.cu (F.R.C)
Date: Fri Jul 17 15:18:04 1998
I'm new on this List and arrived a little late to this 
discussion but I think that Ed, W0SD, had a good point
when he said:

>If I were to get on the soapbox about something in regards 
>to call signs it would be that people need to give calls with
>phonetics.  To me this causes a lot more busted contest 
>exchanges or DX contacts not being good ....

Not everybody on a contest or just on the band has english
as his first language and many letters sound similar in 
english, at least for me. In my case and it may be same also
with others non-english-spoken, during a pile up and/or in a 
contest, the main reason for multiple exchanges is when the 
other station wants to do the QSO in a fast way and says 
his/her callsign non-phonetically. The end of the story 
is always the same:"repeat your callsign phonetically, 
please" and a lot of time lost in both ends 

73, Oscar, CO2OJ
Cuban VHF Group

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