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[CQ-Contest] Re: Fair?

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Re: Fair?
From: Jan.E.Holm@telia.se (Jan.E.Holm@telia.se)
Date: Wed Mar 31 08:17:25 1999
  Sorry Yuri but as days go by I get more and more convinsed
  that I´m far from wrong.
  I can assure you that I am big enough to admit that I´m wrong,
  when I´m wrong.
  I have looked  and tried to analyze the results with as open/
  broad mind as possible and I come to conclusions you been
  able to read in other postings.
  It seems to me you look at it with a too narrow mind, sorry.

  73, Jim SM2EKM
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: K3BU@aol.com [SMTP:K3BU@aol.com]
Skickat:  den 30 mars 1999 19:04
Till: cq-contest@contesting.com
Kopia: K3BU@aol.com
Ämne: Re: [CQ-Contest] Fair?

SM2EKM writes:
<< With this background, ofcourcse I am bitching. What surprises
 me is that not more fellows outside the NA continent bitch  
 about it. >>

Maybe this should tell you that you are WRONG and you should be big  
enough to
admit it. Otherwise your logic is screwed up and based on limited  
Look and analyze the results and then make a conclusion. 1 point  
doesn't turn
this contest into US QSO party, it attracts more US stations into the  
and eliminates stupid 0 point scoring rule and many "not in log"  
Further makes the contest a bit more busy on lower bands, where the  
range is
limited and large countries are penalized for having more hams. We  
could have
used 2 points on low bands, but even one point is better than ZERO.  
Thank you N8BJQ for making change, and others who joined in this  
Now if we can somehow fix the "other continent" problem.
CU in CW WPX (160m)

was VA1A on 160m, and begging for QSOs

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  • [CQ-Contest] Re: Fair?, Jan.E.Holm@telia.se <=