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[CQ-Contest] WPX Rumination

Subject: [CQ-Contest] WPX Rumination
From: w7why@harborside.com (Tom Osborne)
Date: Tue Jun 1 17:04:41 1999
KN5H wrote:

> Having spent the WPX weekend at Lake Powell, AZ & UT, I cant say >I blame you 
> for calling it boring. Move the contest into March or >April and maybe that 
> will give it a good shot in the arm.
> 73 de kn5h

It seems that the biggest complaint is that there weren't enough
stations to work.  Having a contest on Memorial Day weekend
certainly doesn't help that problem. We (my family and I) spent
the weekend camping at the beach enjoying the sun and the ocean
(I did make 35 Q's on the radio in the camp trailer).  73

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