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[CQ-Contest] Cut [Serial] Numbers

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Cut [Serial] Numbers
From: Steve (Steve)
Date: Thu Jun 3 17:16:45 1999
Hello Ct1boh,

Thursday, June 03, 1999, 12:22:11 PM, you wrote:

CJCCN> QSO after QSO I started raising my CW Speed by 2WPM , until I reached CT
CJCCN> maximum speed of 60.
CJCCN> As far as I was increasing my CW speed the pile-up was moving East. And 
CJCCN> the end at 60 WPM I was beeing called by HA, UA, OK, UR, LZ stations.

CJCCN> The moral of the story
CJCCN> If we lower the standards we lower the operating practices...

Don't forget to mention phone high speed freaks!

I'm talking about those guys speaking at 200+ WPM during phone contests
and dxpeditions.

When I run across such fellows during contests I usually take all the
time, I slow down and clearly spell out my call and my number... :-)

There was no Roman god named 'Farticus'.

          Steve, IK4WMH

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