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[CQ-Contest] changing the rules to enforce better operating style

Subject: [CQ-Contest] changing the rules to enforce better operating style
From: CP2235@aol.com (CP2235@aol.com)
Date: Wed Aug 18 10:28:36 1999
W5XD wrote

<< You may disagree. But the discussion comes down to
 the notion of what makes a winner.  My opinion of radio
 contesting is a winner is one that maximizes his ability to
 communicate in TWO directions. Allowing an operator
 to show up miscopied in receiving stations logs is not
 my idea of two directions.

well stated! I would appreciate it very much if the N6TR rule (QSO only gives 
credit to anybody when both have it correct in their logs) was adopted by the 
major contests. So much for an easy-to-do, easy-to-enforce and very useful 

73 Con DF4SA 

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