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[CQ-Contest] SS SO Unlimited question

Subject: [CQ-Contest] SS SO Unlimited question
From: k4sb@mindspring.com (K4SB)
Date: Sun Aug 1 06:18:44 1999
> On Friday, July 30, 1999 10:11 PM, TOMK5RC@aol.com
> [SMTP:TOMK5RC@aol.com] wrote:
> While the CAC should not make decisions based solely on "popular
> opinion", neither should there be "stealth" changes announced
> just three months before such a popular event, with no obvious
> "feeling of the pulse" of the contest community beforehand.

Unless I am badly mistaken, the CACs don't make decisions. That
is left to the ARRL BOD.

While I certainly think the CACs are responsible and well versed
in their fields, every letter I have written to Frank Butler
suggesting that the CACs be given "decision power" ( after all,
they're the experts ) has been
completely ignored, with no response.


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