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[CQ-Contest] Highest ever rate ?

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Highest ever rate ?
From: gm3woj@talk21.com (Chris Tran GM3WOJ)
Date: Mon Aug 2 10:17:37 1999
Hello all
Firstly - thanks to my friend Stewart GM4AFF for starting the thread =
about 'last 2'
etc. - lots of interesting viewpoints - I think we're agreed that it's =
definitely not
good operating practise. My golden rule is "ALWAYS reply to a specific =
in every pile-up" so I find that when the pile-up is all the same =
strength, or I'm tired,
then I have to reply giving just 2 letters of the call + the report - =
this does slow down
the rate a bit but seems better than saying 'QRZ' or 'again' etc.
Jim AD1C mentioned that "Jeff N5TJ <snip> worked 457 in an hour" and =
set me thinking about what is the highest ever rate achieved in a =
contest ?  =20
By this I don't mean the peak rate, but the highest number of QSOs in =
any 1-hour period.
I'm writing a series of articles on all aspects of contesting for our =
'GM DX Group Digest'=20
and I've quoted the example of Masa JA30DC operating VP2KC in CQ WW =
Phone 1979 (78?) achieving a rate of 480 QSOs per hour - all in Japanese =
and using a paper log.  However
I don't know if this was peak rate or 480 QSOs in a 1-hour period ?
Here at GM7V, our peak rates (around 350/hour) are not to the U.S. or =
Japan as you might=20
expect, but to Europe on 10m short-skip - I just wish DL and SP QSOs =
were worth 3 points !=20
73    Chris   GM3WOJ

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