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[CQ-Contest] A New Grid Square Contest?

Subject: [CQ-Contest] A New Grid Square Contest?
From: K3BU@aol.com (K3BU@aol.com)
Date: Tue Aug 24 17:37:01 1999
kq2m@mags.net writes:

<<  The real question is
 whether there is a group of guys out there or a radio club who is
 willing to give this a try?  I guess it is too much to ask for ARRL or
 CQ sponsorship, but that IMHO would clearly "Put it over the top".
 Is there anyone out there willing to give this a shot?

I am willing to give it a shot, basically revive old Radiosporting - IRSA WRC 
(World Radio Championship). I can massage, modernize and present the rules 
for comments, suggestions and final tuning. I can take care putting together 
results, printing and issuing certificates and gather trophy sponsors.
    If I can get help with computerized log checking and processing (N6TR ?) 
we could be off and running in spring 2000.
    I tried to get ARRL and CQ interested but I get no replies to my 
correspondence. So I think it is up us, Internetskys to compose the contest 
with most fair rules.
    Any helpers out there? TESLA RC is willing to do it, we can call the 
"Tesla WRC" or "Tesla Radio Championship", to honor the first ham.
    We can have own home page, records, scores, notes, etc. truly year 2000 
class of a contest.
    Anyone willing to be country coordinator (translating, publicity) or in 
any other capacity please contact me.
    I will make the first draft of the rules and reasoning behind them 
available soon. Can we get IARU support?

Yuri Blanarovich
Tesla RC: N2EE, NT1E, VA1A

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