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[CQ-Contest] CQ WW CW results

Subject: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW CW results
From: bernie@dailydx.com (Bernie McClenny)
Date: Mon Aug 30 17:36:18 1999
Ali, A61AJ, is currently in Morocco (CN) where he picked up a copy of the
French version of the September issue of CQ Magazine.  I knew there was a
Spanish version, but did not know about the French version.  Apparently this
issue had the CQ WW CW results.  FWIW he mentioned the following multi-multi

# 1 6Y2A 44.1 meg
# 2 5V7A 38.2 meg
# 3 TI1C 36.7 meg
# 4 EA9EA 33.9
# 5 A61AJ 31.9
# 6 P3A 31.3
sorry I did not get 7, 8 or 9
# 10 W3LPL 23.9

Very interesting that the US version comes a month later.
If anyone is going on a Contest DXpedition don't forget to send me the
73 de Bernie

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of The Daily DX & How's DX?
3025 Hobbs Road
Glenwood, MD 21738
Fax 301-854-5105

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