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[CQ-Contest] Tribander

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Tribander
From: ve4xt@mb.sympatico.ca (Kelly Taylor)
Date: Sat May 13 10:42:17 2000

Well, I must be the ONLY person in the world who is not confused about what the 
tribander-single element class means.

C'mon people, kick in some common sense, will you? If I say on the air I'm 
running a tribander at 50 feet, is there really anybody in the world who 
doesn't know what that means?

Sheesh! Apply the colloquial reference to tribander to the rules and you arrive 
exactly at their intent. One antenna capable of 10-15-20. This stacked business 
is bullpoopy. If you tell Hy-Gain you're ordering ONE tribander, they will send 
you ONE TH7.

If you have two TH7s, you have TWO tribanders, irrespective of the feed scheme. 
It ain't brain surgery folks. We ain't building no rocket ships here!

Interlaced monobanders are exactly that: multiple antennas sharing a common 
boom. They ain't tribanders.

73, kelly

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