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[CQ-Contest] Contest QSLing

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contest QSLing
From: k4sb@akorn.net (Ed)
Date: Thu May 3 21:13:43 2001

AB0MV wrote:
 > As much as I love the activity of contesting per se, I must say I am
 > very disappointed.  I wonder whether my interest in US contesting will
 > continue if lack of basic consideration for other hams continues.
 > Interestingly enough, I have never had these problems with DX QSLing.
 > 73 Merri AB0MV (ex-KF4OAD)

I must agree with Merri on this point. But as far as problems with DX
QSLing, I submit you have probably never attempted to get a card from
5A1A. I have worked this stations 6 times on CW in the last few years,
sent green stamps, and all requests for a QSL by Registered Mail,
return receipt requested, and have yet to receive a single QSL.

This guy works a racket.


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