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[CQ-Contest] MP vs 830

Subject: [CQ-Contest] MP vs 830
From: w4an@contesting.com (Bill Fisher W4AN)
Date: Mon May 28 13:30:29 2001
We used a TS830 this weekend to run, and I thought I would pass one a few

- I like the receiver better.  Can't explain it.  I just do.

- The noise blanker in the 830 works.  The MP's doesn't.  We had a bit of
line noise and the 830 took it right out without destroying signals on the
band.  Why can't the MP do the same?

- The 830's VFO tunes way too fast, but for the run radio it isn't a big

- I hate DIN plugs.  The MP has all the right connectors and front panel
controls.  Doing an external receive antenna on the 830 involves some kind
of home brew box.

- The 830 has 20db of attenuation or none.  That is a bummer at times.

- The 830 has less in-band phase noise.  At least I perceived that to be
true.  I have never measured it.

- No VFO lock on the 830 can spell trouble.  :)

I guess the bottom line is that the MP has all the right controls and all
the right connectors.  However, it is disappointing that the receiver of a
radio that was produced 25 years ago is better.



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