Letterman's Top Ten Reasons To Operate The Ohio QSO Party
10. You will gain an appreciation for those county lines you cross on the
way to Dayton.
9. Learn to operate SO2R when you can't screw things up too bad.
8. 176 Mults, 12 hours. Can you do that clean sweep?
7. Run with the Road Warriors!
6. We could never have X5 class solar flares two years in a row!
5. So My Club can beat Your Club.
4 If you liked chasing good ops with weak (WRTC) signals from OH, you'll
like chasing good ops with weak (mobile) signals from OH.
3 When it's over, you'll know that there are only 244 days until the
Florida QSO Party.
2. Thirty days to send in your log.
And still the number 1 reason:
1. No Sunday Afternoon!
Hope to see you in the Ohio QSO Party, Saturday, August 24, 16Z to 04Z
Full details at www.mrrc.net/oqp
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