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Re: [CQ-Contest] Fw: [3830] CQWW CW A61AJ(SM7PKK) SOSB/80 HP

To: "Timo Klimoff" <timo.klimoff@dnainternet.net>,"CQ-Contest" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Fw: [3830] CQWW CW A61AJ(SM7PKK) SOSB/80 HP
From: "Alexander Teimurazov" <at@at-communication.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 10:51:56 +0300
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
          Dear Timo,
 I know A61AJ team have permission from committee
 My personal opinion is that point in rules is WRONG but on the same time
committee have to follow the rules
 If they are agree that point is wrong they are have to change it
 In this contest (CQ WW CW) I have problem with two ICOM 7800 they are
overheated like I find after the contest and I dont know propably I will
send letter to contest committee now and will tell them because I go qrt on
16/17z can they are add to my point point from last year contest starting
with 1700 z ? hi
I was out of the air many years and when I back I find lot of things is
change and Im sorry to say not in very right direction
 For example its so difficult to speak with WW committee this days and only
N6AA,W2VU,CT1BOH,PY5EG,N8BJQ,UA9BA and few others answering my mail
 Its allmost impossible to get answer from Bob K3EST
 I have answer from him only when ordering CD with CQ WW results after that
all of my letters ignored
 I dont like when someone ignore me or ignore any of my friends
 I remember old days when contest have two directors K3EST and N6AR and I
think on that time its work better and there is no problem to get answer
from Bob or Larry
 What change?
  I hope I will dont have approvement that CQ WW contest is contest for
committee members and not for amateurs
                  73                                    Al 4L5A/D4B

> Subject: [3830] CQWW CW A61AJ(SM7PKK) SOSB/80 HP
> >                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW
> >
> > Call: A61AJ
> > Operator(s): SM7PKK
> > Station: A61AJ
> >
> > Class: SOSB/80 HP
> > QTH:
> At least couple of years ago, CQWW Contest Committee had a clear opinion
> about the rules that same callsign can be used only in one category. Maybe
> A61AJ was on 40m single band and others are check logs?
> 73, Timo OH1NOA
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