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Re: [CQ-Contest] PSE QSY - Deer in headlights

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] PSE QSY - Deer in headlights
From: Gary Sutcliffe <w9xt@unifiedmicro.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 03:17:03 +0000
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
A lot depends on how serious I am about the contest. If I am serious I 
am less likely to QSY. Also I frequently do single band efforts. 
Although you can make contacts on other bands and claim only one band, 
it is only going to lose time. It also messes  up the logging program's 
scoring, making it more difficult to tell if I am making my hourly goals.
The  main reason is the time it takes to go there and the low success 
rate of making the QSO. The reason the other station probably wants me 
to try another band is because there has not been any propagation 
between our areas on that band.  There is likely none when asked to move.
I am more likely to QSY if a personal friend asks me or if it would be 
new multiplier for me as well.
I noticed a higher than average number of requests to move in 
yesterday's NAQP RTTY. I suspect that some mult-op stations just sent 
the QSY request and the other station's frequency as a matter of course. 
On RTTY the extra time would not be that bad and you would not have to 
worry if the other station could  handle the special request at a higher 
than comfortable code speed. Since I was not serious about that contest  
I did QSY a couple of times plus one time when a club member asked.  The 
time spend on these QSYs certainly cost me rate in my S&P only effort 
especially considering I was only able to complete about half of them
I would rarely consider leaving a run frequency.


Gary, W9XT

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 9:27 AM
To: CQ-Contest@CONTESTING.COM; fcg@kkn.net
Subject: [CQ-Contest] PSE QSY - Deer in headlights

Ok, let's open up a new thread...
Something that I have noticed for years is that when trying to get another
CW station to QSY to another band, typically because you need him as a
mult, I  will get no response to the "pse QSY to ...such-and-such band"
In last week's ARRL DX CW contest from PJ4X, we tried repeatedly to get
stations to move to other bands, but were more-often-than-not met with the
"deer  in headlights" blank stare!  In comparing notes over 807's after the

contest, we concluded that if the other station was loud and fast, there was
  good chance that we would get a successful QSY.  Otherwise, generally, no
response at all.
Can it be that so many stations are 1.) not really copying (or can't copy)
the code, 2.) not interested or able to go to another band, or  3.) quickly
moving off the frequency before we can even send the QSY  request?  With
respect to the last point, we tried different canned QSY  requests in our
message.  We tried "R PSE QSY TO ...", "TU PSE QSY TO  ...", and bluntly
"PSE QSY TO ..."  My guess is that we got  successful responses to less than

10% of the requests to QSY.
Your thoughts please. 73, George, K5KG George Wagner, K5KG
Sarasota, FL
941-400-1960  cell
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