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Re: [CQ-Contest] June VHF contest

To: CQ Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] June VHF contest
From: Gerry Treas K8GT <k8gt@mi.rr.com>
Reply-to: k8gt@arrl.net
Date: Mon, 11 May 2015 13:12:05 -0400
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Right you are George.

I started on 6 in 2005 with a TenTec 5W transverter to a G5RV and did well for that setup.
Then I built a 6M Moxon and put it at 20' and worked CT1FZE twice, once 
with 5W and once with 100 W in the VHF contest.
The link for my Moxon construction details at N2MH website:


It is made out of 3/4" aluminum angle stock and rotated with a Radio Shack type TV antenna rotator. It's been up for 7 years now, Easy to build, works well.
And I got VUCC on 6 two years ago.  Lots of fun.

73, Gerry, K8GT

On 11-May-15 09:47, George Fremin III wrote:
I would like to invite all of the HF contesters to operate 6m and
above this coming June in the ARRL VHF contest.

The contest is June 13-15.

Most of the recent HF radios have 6 meters on them - if you have one
of those radios but do not have an antenna up for that band you are
missing out on some fun. Yes the band can be dead but it can spring to
life at almost any moment.

There have been years where the sporidatic E condtions have been good
enough for stations to work over 1800 contacts just on 6 meters during
the contest period.

You have a month to find a way to get on the band.  Some folks have
just used one of their HF antennas that had the best match or used an
antenna tuner others have put up antennas.  Six meter antennas are
small - you can make a dipole or put up a small yagi with very little

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