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Re: [CQ-Contest] WRTC 2018 - Area activity

To: Christian Janssen DL1MGB <dl1mgb@wrtc2018.de>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] WRTC 2018 - Area activity
From: 4O3A Ranko <yt6a@t-com.me>
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2015 21:10:54 +0200
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hi Chris,

I am commenting some parts of rules, with hope that organizer will think about it, even if don’t change anything.
-Yes, this is clear that we have to accept rules, if want to compete.
-Yes, it is clear that you are organizer and it gives you right to make your own rules.
Somehow, I feel that we all are big contest family, and every 
well-intentioned comment is welcome? I do not remember that any of my 
earlier comments were senseless?
So, your very useful statistic and number of teams per area are not 
correlating. I gave you solution what I would do, but it’s fine if 
nothing will be changed. Maybe next organizer will take some benefit out 
of it.
Sorry if I disturb you, will pay a big beer when meet you next time  
"Niksicko pivo" rulez!

On 9/13/2015 7:22 PM, Christian Janssen DL1MGB wrote:
Hi Ranko,

to be honest I really didn't understand your point (if there was one).

If you are still complaining about the rules, it is too late. The rules are set, the same rules for everybody.
Those who want to qualify for WRTC2018, have to accept the rules. 
Nobody is forced to participate if he doesn't want to or has problems 
with the rules.
If your point was a different one, please tell me.

73s Chris DL1MGB

Am 13.09.2015 um 18:56 schrieb 4O3A Ranko:
Hi Chris,

I know of course, but you did not understood my point.


On 9/13/2015 6:31 PM, Christian Janssen DL1MGB wrote:
Hi Ranko,

many thanks for your feedback.

I am sorry to hear that you don't know the final numbers of team
leaders. But we already took care of this. Since November 2014 we
provide qualification rules on our website:


In these rules you can read about the numbers of team leaders from
each qualification area.

If you have more questions about the qualification rules, don't
hesitate to contact us.

Good luck with your qualification!

73s Chris DL1MGB
President WRTC2018 Organizing Committee

Am 13.09.2015 um 10:31 schrieb Ranko Boca:
Hi Christian

I saw area activity statistic on your WEB page-excellent! *

It's self explanatory.This statistics can be used as accurate tool for
making fair decision of the number of participants from each region. For
example - we even do not know final numbers of Team leader per area,
and it
will be defined by statistic when qualifying period is over. You just
an formula :-) Fair and exciting. Maybe even it can increase some

Current statistics indicate a disproportionate numbers of team
leaders in
some areas.

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