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Re: [CQ-Contest] VE vs W Power

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] VE vs W Power
From: VE2TZT <ve2tzt@arrl.net>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 21:10:47 -0500
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
In my opinion CW can be considered as a single sideband emission.

Indeed we can transmit a 600 Hz pulsed tone in the SSB mode representing a morse code signal at 2,250W respecting the 10.2.(b).(i). The result will be a CW signal, and actually it is the way a modern TRX produces the CW signal.
So in Canada for CW my opinion is that we are in the 10.2.b (i) case not 
in the (ii)
Gilles  VA2EW VE2TZT

On 24/02/2016 18:01, Gerry Hull wrote:
I find this power difference interesting...

In Canada, the rules state:

10.2 Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Advanced Qualification
The holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Advanced
Qualification is limited to a maximum transmitting power of:
(a) where expressed as direct-current input power, 1,000 W to the anode or
collector circuit of the transmitter stage that supplies radio frequency
energy to the antenna; or
(b) where expressed as radio frequency output power measured across an
impedance-matched load,
(i) 2,250 W peak envelope power for transmitters that produce any type of
single sideband emission, or
(ii) 750 W carrier power for transmitters that produce any other type of

In the US,

97.317 (b) No station may transmit with a transmitter power exceeding 1.5

I find this quite interesting for CW operation.  Morse Code, A1a
transmissions are not Carriers.  They are amplitude-modulated carriers.
And, for normal A1a emissions, CARRIER <> PEP.  The PEP of a 750w "key
down" carrier is going to be much less than 750w when transmitting A1a.
The US regulation seems to understand this.  Or am I nuts?

So I find the Canadian rule kind of strange.  I know tons of guys that are
canadian CW ops and run Alphas and Acoms.  Do you mean to tell me they only
run 750w on CW?

It also means that Canada has another regulatory advantage in contests on
Oh my!

73, Gerry W1VE  and VE-a-bunch-of-em

On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 4:07 PM, Mike Smith VE9AA <ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:

This thread is bordering on the ridiculous. (At least there isn't name
calling and mud slinging, which makes this somewhat more refreshing and
amusing than tiring)

Essentially, someone in a RARE section in N. New England(VT.), fully
to run 1500w is (basically) asking 2 USA guys (VY2TT(K6LA) and VY2ZM(K1ZM))
and a few other scattered VE2's and 3's (VA2WA, VE3EJ, VE3DZ) and Gus,
for what? A chance to win an award in the ARRL DX?  Have you really read
what you've written? If you have EVER (ever!!!) looked at awards for 90% of
contests, you'll see there are 10 or 20 awards for USA groups vs. Canada.
In fact, often, Canada has none (or maybe one) award we all compete for.  I
still cannot believe you are asking for this.

Personally I would much rather have 1500w at my disposal (as compared to
750w allowed) than the occasional foray into areas of the bands that USA
stations are not allowed to go.  Or even a tower ! (I don't have one, but I
strongly suspect that I am not even on your radar ).or a seaside
location...or some $$ for a real amp that'll do more than 500w...or or or?
Never would it cross my mind to be so bold as to ask USA guys to crank it
down to 750w on CW.

BTW, I don't always see 100% eye to eye with Ken, K6LA/VY2TT,(or anyone..I
have my own opinions about things) but very much enjoyed his reply.  Well
done Ken.

I do appreciate (and it's not lost on me) that we in VE get a little more
spectrum to use, but those are the rules here.  Ya know what, sometimes
(etc.) do not look for VE's outside the USA ranges/sub-bands. (why would
they when 95% of the guys they are looking for are in a certain space on

Next thing you know, someone will be asking us all to operate in the JA
window on 160m as that's the only place they are allowed to operate from.
Or we all use 400w like they do in G land.  Or we run 20w like the PA
novices are allowed.


I think I have heard it all now.

Mike VE9AA.not on anyones radar...

p.s.- you want to talk fair?  Don't get me started on "MAR" vs. everyone
else being allowed to send their own state or section within that state in
few of the ARRL contests....no I won't go there.  I'll spare y'all, as I
know you (collectively) could care less.

Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB

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