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Re: [CQ-Contest] CQ WPX SSB contest this weekend

To: cq-contest@contesting.com, kostas sv1dpi <sv1dpi@otenet.gr>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] CQ WPX SSB contest this weekend
From: sbloom@acsalaska.net
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 10:54:34 -0800
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Hi Kostas:
Thanks ...Wigi AL7IF is really the one who has put it together ..I just thought it a good idea to put an email out ..since I know I would really feel strange hearing the call on ...if I didn't know what was going on.  
Steve KL7SB

On Thu, 24 Mar 2016 18:50:37 +0200, kostas sv1dpi  wrote:

Well done Steve. Great memorial for him. I 'll see you as SX9C...
73 Kostas SV1DPI

On 24/3/2016 8:28 πμ, sbloom@acsalaska.net wrote:
Hey all:

The Family of Rich KL7RA thought that it would be a fitting Memorial for some of the regulars and long time friends of Rich to do a final contest from his station and we of course agree ..so we will be on with a M/M effort for WPX SSB. Wigi, AL7IF (a lead op @ KL7RA since Fairbanks days) was able to get KL7RA assigned as a club call. I wanted to alert folks, so they would know what was going on when they heard us.
Steve KL7SB

On Wed, 23 Mar 2016 19:25:10 +0000 (UTC), Terry Zivney wrote:

The CQ WPX SSB contest is this weekend. Be sure to read the rules at http://cqwpx.com/rules.htm
The club competition rules have been updated to match
the new CQ WW contest rules. Also picked up from the
CQ WW contest are the special logging requirements for
top competitors of accurate frequency data for each QSO
and audio recordings for top Single Operator (unassisted)
competitors. If there is anything special you want to share about
your effort (like you wish to be considered for the
special DXpedition plaque) please note that in the
SOAPBOX: lines of your Cabrillo log. Pictures are always welcome as well as contest stories. Please send these to director@cqwpx.com. Finally, the log deadline is 5 days after the end of the contest. This year, that is 2359 UTC 1 April 2016. Terry, N4TZ, CQ WPX Contest Director
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