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Re: [CQ-Contest] NAQP Revised Rules

To: Jamie WW3S <ww3s@zoominternet.net>, "cq-contest@contesting.com" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] NAQP Revised Rules
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2016 17:23:20 -0700
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
To take this one step further I would like to challenge the Organizers to show us when the M2 class has actually been dominated by M2 entries. I went back and found the following:

Jan 2016 SSB

130 M2 Entries

33 actual M2 participants

Participation of 25% M2

2016 Rtty Feb

74 M2 Entries

20 actual M2 participants

27 percent  M2

Aug 2015  SSB

75 M2 Entries

29 actual M2 participants

38 percent  M2

Aug 2015 CW

77 M2 Entries

13 actual M2 entries

16 percent  M2

We have been doing it wrong for 30 years. No reason to change now and recognize the MAJORITY in this class that are being forced into a category they are not really participating in.

Shouldn't the argument made to either add SO A or dump M2 as M2 is not representative of the vast majority who are classified into it for the reasons unknown?

On 12/14/2016 4:05 PM, Jamie WW3S wrote:
I read it as in Jan 2015 there was around 100 entries in the multi two class and of those 
around 18 appeared to be "true" multi ops , the rest ( around 82 or 5 times 
more) were assisted...I think his argument has merit...

On Dec 14, 2016 3:50 PM, Steve London <n2icarrl@gmail.com> wrote:

These are the same rules that the NAQP has had since packet hit the
radar screen, almost 30 years ago. Nothing in the rules has changed this
year pertaining to your pet peeves. There were no "decisions" made this
year, just extremely minor tweaks and clarifications. Why the sudden
awakening now ? Where have you been hiding ?

Where did you get the wild notion "SOA with 5 times more participants" ?
   Name me one significant contest that has 5 times as many SOA
participants than SO participants ?

Glad I'm not in charge of any major contests. Wouldn't want to be
accused of bullying because I won't change a rule that has been in
effect for 30 years, while interest in the contest continues to grow,

You are welcome to participate, or not. You can even take your money
where your opinion is, by not subscribing to the NCJ.

Steve, N2IC

On 12/14/2016 09:30 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
NAQP allows packet but not for SO.  If going packet-less is so
wonderful, why is it allowed for Multi op?

Is having packet for M2 catering to a specif group or specific people?
If SO can go without why not M2?

How many M2 entries were actually from M2's and not SOA?  There were
about 100 entries in Jan 2015 CW for M2.  18 appear to be real multi
ops.  There are more SOA people in that class than actual M2 entries.
You have created a class for 1.5 percent of your players while ignoring
the fact that about 10 percent are in a class they should not be in.  So
in the eyes of the organizers it is better to recognize the efforts of a
select few M2's while ignoring SOA with 5 times more participants?

Just like remote operation there are people that do not like packet.  I
think everyone gets that part.   There are people that dislike having to
dig QRP signals out of the mud and those that dislike QRO.

The organizers can do whatever they want and they have.  The contest is
very popular.  I was hoping that maybe those in charge would provide a
bit more detail into the decisions made and the pro's and con's that led
up to those decisions.

The majority have spoken?  Was there a vote?  How would you know if
another way is better or worse if it is never tried or even discussed
among the participants?

Interesting advertising for a contest....Hi my contest is great without
packet, but hey if you run multi, guess what you get to run packet. What
exactly does this say.

Game developers do this in games too.  They attempt to push players to
play the game the way the developers think that you should play. What
happens is the players generally find a much different way to play the
game or reach a specific goals.  The Devs will in many cases attempt to
derail the player found solutions and continue to force players down a
specific path, which ultimately leads to people leaving.

This list is becoming increasingly more difficult to discuss anything
on.  There is no harm in discussions.  While nobody is accusing anyone
of point and click and blind calling, it is obvious that is exactly what
was said.  Single Op  is no better than SOA. A power is no better than B
power.  This is just a new form of bullying.  Calling out people before
they even have a chance to express an opinion thus their interest in
responding. This is a cute political move and I have had posted denied
from this forum for saying much less.

If people are really interested in open discussions feel free to discuss
here if you dare or contact me off list.



On 12/14/2016 8:22 AM, Kelly Taylor wrote:
I don’t mind it when a contest decides to not be like every other.

In some ways, packet is
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