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Re: [CQ-Contest] CX2DK CQWW checklog

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] CX2DK CQWW checklog
From: Jim Brown <k9yc@audiosystemsgroup.com>
Reply-to: k9yc@arrl.net
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2017 15:48:07 -0800
List-post: <cq-contest@contesting.com">mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
On Sat,3/4/2017 3:02 PM, Ria Jairam wrote:
In a wider context it was more lenient and I believe this was on purpose.
Give him a slap on the wrist rather than throwing the book at him. It has
been done before.
I think more may be being read into this matter than is justified by the 
facts. I fail to see any form of condemnation  of CX2DK's actions during 
the contest. But apparently he's turned in a high enough score that a 
recording most be supplied as requested, and he didn't make one. He's 
not DQed, his log simply doesn't count because he failed to make a 
recording.  He (or any of us) would also be a checklog if we turned in 
our log after the deadline.
If, in fact, there was something nefarious going on, he will have 
learned that contest leadership is on to it. But until contest 
leadership says otherwise, I think we ought to assume the best rather 
than the worst.
BTW for the snarky responses from Steve N2IC, W0MU and others, yes I can
and do read the rules, as well as answer the surveys when rule changes are
proposed. I've been licensed for almost 20 years now and I have scored in
most contests higher than W0MU actually, with plaques on my wall to prove
Not surprising -- you're contesting from NJ, W0MU's near Denver, N2IC is 
in NM. If it's a DX contest, you that gives you a huge advantage.
So I know a thing or two.
I've been contesting since 1957. Does that mean I know more about it? :)

73, Jim K9YC

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