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[CQ-Contest] NS RTTY this Thursday (and an announcement)

To: "RTTY@contesting.com" <rtty@contesting.com>, "cq-contest@contesting.com" <cq-contest@contesting.com>, NS <nccc-blue@kkn.net>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] NS RTTY this Thursday (and an announcement)
From: Ken K6MR <k6mr@outlook.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2017 05:29:20 +0000
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Greetings Diddlers:

I recognized plenty of NSers this past weekend, and I trust everyone had a 
successful NAQP.  I hope you found your Thursday evenings useful for improving 
your operating prowess.

Based on a plebiscite  of our “regulars”, there will be a live scores server 
for our use on Thursday evenings.  We will be using  ContestOnlineScore.com  ( 
https://contestonlinescore.com )  It will take some setup time so I’ll let 
everyone know when it is up and running.  You can go to the site now and look 
for the “Help” selection in the menu bar and get a pdf that will document all 
the setup info you will need.

Looks like a very quiet weekend contest-wise.  Not RTTY tests, but one new 
contest (The Scottish DX) and one relatively new one (The SA Sprint) will be 
vying for your attention.  And if you want to keep those now excellent RTTY 
skills sharp please join us Thursday evening.

Here are the details for our usual Thursday evening session:
Friday,  21 July 2017, 0145Z - 0215Z (Thursday, 20 July 2017 in NA)
-- 1845 - 1915 PDT
-- 2145 - 2215 EDT
-- (others in-between those two)
-- 160: 1805 and up (Not sure this will be productive)
-- 80/40/20/15/10 +80kHz up from the band edge  (start checking those higher 
-- Same band dupes ok after 1 intervening Q.
-- 1 kHz QSY rule, otherwise standard Sprint rules
-- Mults per band
-- 100W power limit

Please visit http://www.ncccsprint.com/rttyns.html for complete rules and links 
to other info. If you find any problems with the web pages, please let me know 
so we can get them fixed.
If you would like to receive all the latest info about NS as well as a have a 
place for comments and questions, sign up for the NS mailing list:  

Report scores to 3830scores.com, and join us at 0300Z on 3610 kHz (+/- a few 
for ongoing groups) for comments and questions (and dinner menus).

Diddle diddle,

Ken K6MR

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