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Re: [CQ-Contest] Online Scoreboards - a different perspective

To: "Victor Androsov" <victor.androsov@gmail.com>, "k2ttt" <k2ttt@optonline.net>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Online Scoreboards - a different perspective
From: "Larry Gauthier \(K8UT\)" <K8UT@charter.net>
Reply-to: "Larry Gauthier \(K8UT\)" <k8ut@charter.net>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2017 06:54:31 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Thanks Victor for your efforts with this new approach to contesting. Reading the reflector responses, everybody seems to be looking at online scoreboards as merely a real-time 3830 substitute. That's because we're nailing it against a traditional type of contest (and its traditional rules) where it might not be a good fit. Victor's survey asks questions based on that perspective.
But what if there were a contest where online scoreboards were part of the 
contest, and participation was necessary?
Several weeks ago, Wayne N6KR of Elecraft noticed a band opening on 10 
meters and posted a message on the Elecraft reflector proclaiming a “Flash 
Mob experiment, right now, on 28.050!” Many - I counted dozens - of the 
Elecraft faithful converged on 10 CW for something akin to an instant 
contest. No scoring. No rules. But what a cool idea!
In a hobby that is struggling to attract young members and compete with the 
Internet, instant gratification, and spontaneous participation, I think 
Wayne’s experiment demonstrated a clever connection between the Internet and 
a ham radio activity.
Imagine an event using real-time reporting with a specific goal. My nearest 
analogy would be a Horse Race - first one to the goal wins. Email example: 
“SUBJECT: Flash mob – horse race on 28.025 CW!” Details and goals included 
in email body. Goals not necessarily traditional raw QSO counts – stuff like 
First to 5 DXCC Countries or 10 States or Grid Squares or... whatever.
The incredible success of the weekly CWOPS one-hour contests proves that 
there is an audience for short non-acclaimed (no prizes, no fanfare, no log 
submission, no 48 hours sitting in a chair) events. Horse racing (aka online 
scoreboards) bends that model into something that might attract those hams 
plus some of the younger crowd.
-larry (K8UT)
-----Original Message----- From: Victor Androsov
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2017 7:18 PM
To: k2ttt
Cc: Dale Putnam ; sawyered@earthlink.net ; cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Online Scoreboards


WoW! So many different opinions. I tried to group some answers and created
a poll: Should a contest scoreboard provide a band breakdown info?

So the voting options are the following:

- Never

- Only if operator is not in the non-assisted category

- Always, So that's a personal choice of an operator

- Always, but should be disabled for all the contests doesn't allow that
for a single operator

Please take just a few seconds of your time to vote by visiting this link:

That would help us to understand what exactly HAM community wants )))




On 23 July 2017 at 18:58, k2ttt <k2ttt@optonline.net> wrote:

FRC has done this for years in the club chat room during a test, however,
if you are single op there is the danger of the "inadvertent " passing of
information from non single op stations.

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: 7/23/17 6:23 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Victor Androsov <victor.androsov@gmail.com>
Cc: sawyered@earthlink.net, cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Online Scoreboards

So many that it won't make any difference since "everyone does it" no one
will care. Right? That is the entire idea of making that feature. So much
for ethics.....   have fun guys.

Make this a great day

> On Jul 23, 2017, at 12:17 PM, Victor Androsov > <victor.androsov@gmail.com>
> Ed,
> I guess would be not more vs other Internet messengers. There is no
> communication tools on that room page. The private room is for personal
> competition. Noting more. It's for contesters who wouldn't reveal
> score to others. I know a lot of them. )))
> 73!
> Victor
> On Jul 23, 2017 1:11 PM, "Ed Sawyer" <sawyered@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Sounds like the "dark web" of contesting emerging.  I wonder how many
> and mult moves will happen in the "Private room".
> Ed  N1UR
> We have launched new Contest Online Score version having a new amazing
> option - Private room.  Any user can create a Private room and join
> by sharing a PIN code. No one from outside can see private room members
> score while lucky private room members could easily switch between View
> (room members plus others ) and Private View (the only private room
> members). It's absolutely new feature. I've never heard about something
> before. Please help us with testing and debugging it. Any feedback > really
> appreciated!
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