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Re: [CQ-Contest] So Sunday Sucked?

To: Kelly Taylor <ve4xt@mymts.net>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] So Sunday Sucked?
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2017 12:02:55 -0700
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Then the real solution is to make is shorter contest period. What is the purpose of the restart?  If there are only enough people to keep if fun for 18 hours then call it after 18.
If you want to restart then restart the next weekend or SS CW is Sat  
and SS SSB is Sunday?
NAQP is a rate fest because you get to work mults and stations per 
band.  I don't think we want to make SS another NAQP or do we?

On 11/8/2017 10:11 AM, Kelly Taylor wrote:
All the reasons stated by Mike, Richard, etc. seem to support the idea of, essentially 
restarting the contest after so many hours in. You don’t abandon the democratization 
of SS, as this won’t mean stations with big low-band antennas can simply keep firing 
up the rate meter every time they go to new bands, and it makes EVERYBODY fresh meat on 

Sunday has always sucked. It’s worse when conditions are poor, but it’s always been an issue 
such that waiting for Cycle 25 alone isn’t an answer. There’s been hand-wringing over this 
issue for as long as I can remember.

73, kelly, ve4xt

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 8, 2017, at 07:37, W0MU Mike Fatchett <w0mu@w0mu.com> wrote:

I don't like the solution at all.  You have essentially made it a new contest 
with the same exchange.

If two qso's are allowed I would want the 2nd one to be on a different band.

There are lots of questions that need to be answered first.

Is participation really down or are people just not operating as long as the 
population continues to age?

Where is the participation from?  Has that changed dramatically recently?

Are the doldrums on specific bands?  Are those that are running on 40 and 80 
during the day in the population rich areas also having this issue?

Does this always get magnified when conditions are not great when we are at or 
near the bottom of cycles?

I would lean more to the 2nd radio, 2nd callsign over the 2nd qso but they are 
essentially the same thing.


On 11/7/2017 8:51 AM, Kelly Taylor wrote:
I like the idea of two QSOs split by time, as it means stations with the big low-band 
antennas aren’t necessarily going to run up the rate meter all over again.

If you split it by high-band vs. low-band, you might not actually solve the 
Sunday doldrums problem, as the big stations might just work through all their 
second QSOs Saturday night anyway.

As well, making the split high-band vs. low-band will hand the contest to the stations with 
the big low-band antennas. The way SS works now, big low-band antennas aren’t a huge 
advantage because they primarily provide access to stations already worked on the high bands. 
The bigger low-band antennas in some way are a disadvantage, because the one-Q per station 
rule means they are more often working just the closer stations they couldn’t get on 
the high bands, just like stations with smaller low-band antennas (low inverted vees, etc.).

A way to solve Sunday doldrums without costing SS its democratization would be 

I think splitting it by time solves the doldrums plus gives equal advantage to 
small and big stations.

73, kelly, ve4xt
On Nov 7, 2017, at 8:41 AM, RT Clay <rt_clay@bellsouth.net> wrote:

Allowing two qsos seems like the best idea to me so far. If one contact had to 
be on the high bands (20/15/10) and one on the low bands (40/80/160) it would 
be a little fairer to different geographic areas and still not require everyone 
to have a 6-band station to do well. To give incentive for people to operate 
longer, make each qso 1 point (less than it is now), and an extra 1 bonus point 
if you get both qsos with a station. Leave multipliers unchanged.

I am not sure if time restrictions (first half/second half/etc) are needed, one 
qso on high versus low bands will usually spread the two contacts out in time 
anyway due to propagation differences. Specific time restrictions also won't be 
liked by part-timers who can only operate Saturday or Sunday. If any changes 
are made to the rules they need to be simple to understand.


On Mon, 11/6/17, Eric Gruff <egruff@cox.net> wrote:

Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] So Sunday Sucked?
To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Date: Monday, November 6, 2017, 10:13 PM

I don't normally get into these rule change
discussions, because there are N
+ 10 opinions for every N hams, but it
dawned on me that one or more of the
following are fairly easy to implement,
might stir more activity on Sunday
afternoon/evening, and won't alter the
contest enough to "hurt it" in the
eyes of most purists:

1. Split the time in half (15 + 15
hours, or the first 24 and last 6 hours),
and allow one QSO with each station in
each segment. In other words,
everyone can work each station twice in
the contest, but you have to stick
around to get the 2nd QSO. It might
also help keep some of the rare mults on
the air for long enough that we can all
find them. I suppose we could count
each multiplier once per half, thus
giving folks incentive to try for a
double sweep, but that's probably
overkill. Dupe checking is going to be a
bit more challenging, but pretty much
everyone uses software that should be
able to easily tell us if we can
re-work a station in the 2nd segment.

1a. Corollary to above - only allow the
2nd contact on a different band than
previously worked. A bit more
challenging, because you can't move someone
after a QSO, but have to wait until the
next segment of the contest to work
them on the 2nd band.

2. Give a QSO multiplier (1.5x ?) for
contacts made in the last six or eight
hours of the contest period.

Obviously, high scores will change for
the first two scenarios, but at least
folks will be incentivized to stick
around at the end of the contest. I
don't think either option will stop
folks from participating at the
beginning for a lot of reasons, and
will make the strategy of choosing the
24 of 30 hours to operate a bit more
challenging. IMO, the last six hours
are one of the few advantages for us
West Coast operators - we don't have to
stay up until 10 PM (or later for folks
in Atlantic Time) on a Sunday night
to finish the contest.


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