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Re: [CQ-Contest] WW-Digi Thoughts and Suggestions

To: CQ Contest <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] WW-Digi Thoughts and Suggestions
From: N4ZR <n4zr@comcast.net>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 12:20:40 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
As a CW op dipping a first toe into FT4, I am wondering how a 10-KHz segment recommendation fits with, typically, a 2700-Hz audio bandpass. I have been spending my time with my radio set to 14.080, figuring I was covering up to maybe 14.083.  Does this suggestion envision an overflow dial frequency of 14.085, using up to 14.088?
Looking over the rules, I'm  struck by the "anybody works anybody" 
aspect and using grid squares as multipliers.  I'd expect this will 
quickly eat up the ~50 channels optimally available on a given band with 
one dial frequency.  I'd like for any non-contesters who get on to come 
away with a good impression, so clarification would be welcome. Also, 
can someone clarify if split mode is a good idea in this event?  It 
would seem to reduce the channel capacity of a given dial frequency - 
not a good thing!
73, Pete N4ZR
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On 8/30/2019 10:08 AM, Hank Garretson wrote:
Rules and FAQ: https://ww-digi.com/index.htm

One issue is contest mode versus non-contest mode. Non-contest mode
stations send and expect to receive SNR. Contest mode stations do not send
SNR and don't need SNR to complete a QSO. Often confusion and incomplete or
unlogged QSOs result.

For WW-Digi, best bet to avoid non-contest versus contest mode issues is to
use contest mode in the WW-Digi recommended band segments.

*WW-Digi FT4 recommended sub-bands:*

*WW-Digi FT8 recommended sub-bands:*

Use non-contest mode in the traditional FT8 and FT4 band segments.
For non-contest mode: WSJT-X, File, Settings, Advanced, UNCHECK Special
Operating Activity.

For contest mode: WSJT-X, File, Settings, Advanced, CHECK Special Operating
Activity NA VHF.

W6SX vision for WW-Digi is the huge pool of non-contesters out there. My
hope is they will dip their toes in contest waters and find they like it.
This will be an opportunity for contesters and contest clubs to encourage
and help them to try legacy-mode contesting.

Contest Exuberantly,

Hank, W6SX
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