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Re: [CQ-Contest] Room Reservations for Dayton 2020 at the CrownePlaza ho

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Room Reservations for Dayton 2020 at the CrownePlaza hotel in downtown Dayton
From: Jeff Clarke <ku8e@ku8e.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2019 12:45:34 -0400
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I would like to offer my perspective as someone who has attended the Hamvention since the late 1970's. I've stayed at the Crowne Plaza many times over the years and just drove there from my home QTH for the contesting events back when I lived in Ohio. I have to say that I've never thought about safety (or had any issues) when walking back and forth to the connecting parking garage or going to nearby restaurants with my contesting friends. During Dayton weekend there is an international food festival in the adjoining convention center so there are plenty of people around to feel safe.
For those not familiar with the area where the Crown Plaza is located, 
the shooting took place on East 5th Avenue which is just east of the 
hotel. If you walk out of the front door of the hotel, which is located 
at the corner of East 5th and Jefferson, turn left and walk down East 
5th Ave. the Oregon District where the shooting took place is about a 
block away. This is an area of downtown Dayton that has been reinvented 
with upscale restaurants and bars much like other major cities are doing.
I was curious about how safe this area is so I Googled it. See below an 
interesting article I found in the Dayton Daily News. This should 
alleviate any fears you might have about this area of downtown Dayton.

Dayton is no different (i.e. petty crimes) than any other downtown area in any other major city.  You just need to use common sense and be aware of the surroundings. It probably would be a good idea to walk in groups, especially late at night, and the odds are you will probably have no issues.
Jeff KU8E

On 9/17/2019 10:45 AM, PY2NY wrote:
I am so sad reading everything about Dayton, because
Ana PU2VYT and me, we did our last visit in 2000 and
was superb.

I really hope that Dayton can go forward and have
better days in your local economy ASAP.

Really sad news here in the reflector...

73 DX

PY2NY / SP9NY / V26NY  - Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santos

Em ter, 17 de set de 2019 às 11:23, Allan W Schlaugat <reflectors@n9isn.com>

I personally know of two assaults on contesters, one requiring medical
attention, within the immediate area around the CP last year. My last trip
to Dayton in 2018 I was with the K9PG group dining at a great BBQ place
south of the CP and it was just starting to get 'sketchy' then. (we never
did find a good place that sold milk shakes afterwards) Stay in groups and
be aware of your surroundings.

Al   N9ISN

On Tue, 17 Sep 2019 03:01:35 +0000, Radio KØHB <kzerohb@gmail.com> wrote:

I’m only familiar with the area immediately adjacent to the CrownPlaza,
so I can’t speak about the “Oregon area”.
In my (mis-spent) youth in the Navy I navigated a lot of dark and sketchy
waterfronts in down-scale foreign ports.
In none of them was I ever so apprehensive for my safety as I was this
last May after the Contest Dinner walking
2 blocks from CP to where my vehicle was parked in a surface lot.
Approached twice with offers of intimate
horizontal refreshment and once by a pair of fellows desiring “money for
the bus”.
73, de Hans, KØHB
"Just a boy and his radio"™
Allan W. Schlaugat                    Albertville, WI  USA
Amateur Radio: N9ISN            Home Page:   www.n9isn.com
American Philatelic Society #186089

I believe in sharing the road with other drivers.  They can
have the part behind me.

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