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Re: [CQ-Contest] Contesting and the FT8 Revolution

To: cq-contest@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Contesting and the FT8 Revolution
From: David Gilbert <ab7echo@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2021 13:41:30 -0700
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
I've corresponded directly with Joe Taylor a few times in the recent 
past on this subject, and I have the deepest respect for his credentials 
(yes, I'm fully aware that he is a Nobel Prize laureate) and for what he 
has provided in the form of WSJT-X for ham radio. He, however, sees no 
benefit in adapting the basic signal processing underlying WSJT-X to a 
form more suitable for contesting.  He doesn't dispute that it is 
possible ... only that he has no intention of spending the time and 
effort on it.  We essentially agreed to disagree.
The fact, however, that 90+ percent of the comments here on the 
CQ-Contest reflector are negative toward either FT8 or FT4 as a 
contesting mode supports my view on the subject rather than Joe's. We 
could be reaping the benefits of much better signal to noise performance 
for contesting ... with a user interface that functions more like CW or 
SSB or RTTY contesting ... if someone with the right background would 
just jump in and do it.  I guarantee that it is possible because neither 
the science nor the programming is unique, but as I say I'm completely 
losing faith that it will ever happen.
Dave   AB7E

On 7/3/2021 12:29 PM, Jeff Clarke wrote:

With all due respect there are other lists that are dedicated to digital modes that this subject can be discussed. It doesn't appear that contesting.com has a digital reflector anymore ( see http://lists.contesting.com/) but Groups.io does. See https://groups.io/g/digitalcontesting I bet lots of people like me are tired of all the posts about FT8 on the contest reflector. There are lists for VHF contesting and top band on contesting.com and you don't see those people posting their gripes on CQ-Contest. Since FT8 is also specialized mode it should be discussed on a digital reflector and not a general contesting reflector. Please note I'm not anti-FT8. I operate it all the time on 6 meters and some of the HF bands because no one seems to operate CW or SSB outside a contest.
BTW your quote " a mode SIMILAR to FT8 or FT4 but with a different 
interface and some different parameters could and should be an 
excellent contesting mode i/f it was done properly by somebody who was 
smart enough and cared enough to do it/. " seems to be disrespectful 
towards Joe Taylor, K1JT. You're aware he is a Nobel Prize laureate in 
Physics among other honors? ( 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Hooton_Taylor_Jr.)  I'm sure he 
could easily do what you suggest but have you ever thought that he 
didn't envision FT8 to be used for contesting?

On 7/3/2021 02:57 PM, David Gilbert wrote:

The answer to your question ... for the umpteenth time ... is that a mode SIMILAR to FT8 or FT4 but with a different interface and some different parameters could and should be an excellent contesting mode if it was done properly by somebody who was smart enough and cared enough to do it.  That you and the majority of hams seem to think as you do is why it isn't likely to ever happen, but that doesn't make it a complete shame that it won't.
Dave   AB7E

On 7/3/2021 9:36 AM, Jeff Clarke wrote:
Again for the umpteenth time... Why are people talking about this subject on a CONTESTING reflector? Neither FT8 or FT4 are contesting modes. I guess this is more proof that FT8 has totally taken over ham radio? I guess people are really bored and can't help themselves? Hello Mr Moderator can you please tell people to stop!
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