I started a conversation with a couple folks (and my local contest club) who
saw my “2BSIQ” tick box in my 3830 submission and I’ll state right up front I
know almost NOTHING about it.
It’s my intent to learn more.
Anyone care to share?
(I removed their identity from this initial exchange)
Hello <name edited out>
I am just dipping my toes in the 2BSIQ waters. I’ve tried it before, but
usually only in slower contests and 2 quiet bands (like 10/15m) for 30mins here
and there. I will never be an N6MJ type of mutant, hi hi!
I am using a pair of IC7410’s and a YCCC SO2R+ box. Using N1MM+ in ESM mode.
There is a tick box in the SO2R boxes software that allows “headphone latching”
which is triggered on and off with the tilde key ~ if/when I need it.
I do my dueling CQ’s manually using 2 keyboards. Automatic CQing won’t work.
Left radio, right radio, rinse –repeat.
The way the audio works is:
When the left radio is transmitting, the headphones (both) are on the right
radio listening,
When the right radio is transmitting, the headphones (both) are on the left
If neither radio is transmitting, the audio is split left-radio/left ear; right
radio-right ear.
The #1 hurdle is knowing what the radios are doing at any given moment so you
know what to type on which keyboard.
When it’s very slow, it’s easy to figure out and you have to whack the Enter
key (N1MM’s ESM) at precisely the correct moment to mute things (by
transmitting) at the right time. When things get a little out of time I am
forced to do dual audio so I can hear both callers on both radios. (if I mute
one radio then I have no idea what to respond to on the other-N.G.yikes!)
I watch the entry windows and lights on the YCCC box, but still get messed up.
When both radios are transmitting at the same speeds (I used 33wpm this w/e)
and all your callers are perfectly timed, it’s like a symphony and rates spike
beyond what I have normally seen *(360/hr a few times last night) but when you
get one caller slow, or repeating stuff or lotsa noise, then it’s really REALLY
hard to do a good job and I abandoned one radio a few times so as not to cause
frustration to callers or myself.
I have really only tried it a few times with no mentor or assistance from
If you would care to share how you do it as well, I would sincerely appreciate
that too Scott.
GL !
73 and (CU all of a sudden!)
Mike VE9AA
Subject: IARU
Dear Mike
Great score and performance!
I do so2r myself and am looking to expand to more 2bSIQ type operating. What do
you do for audio management for your rigs? I use a MK2R+ but it is a very
powerful box for simply audio management for a CW contest.
I have talked with several 2bSIQ operators about audio management. Most people
are home brewing something.
Any advice welcome!
Thanks again!
Best regards,
<call/name snipped>
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