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Re: [CQ-Contest] new hamshack computer

To: "cq-contest@contesting.com (cq-contest@contesting.com)" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] new hamshack computer
From: Michael Adams <mda@n1en.org>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 02:19:07 +0000
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
Over the summer, I joined the Mac family when I was looking for a lightweight 
laptop with decent power, good battery life, and the ability to charge off 
USB-C.   I got it because my work laptop is so locked down as to be unusable 
for personal communications, and my current Windows laptop and its power brick 
are rather bulky, and its battery life sucks.  (It’s a "gaming laptop" -- lots 
of memory, lots of power, great graphics...all at the expense of a high power 

There are a lot of things I like about the Mac, but after a couple of 
experiences of using it with a transceiver when operating portable....I'm not a 
fan of the ham software I've used so far with it.

Perhaps that's more a reflection of my being used to the ham software available 
on PCs, and not having taken the time to climb the learning curve for the 
relevant Mac applications.  But I'm thinking about going portable for a QSO 
party in the spring, and I've started to contemplate the logistics about 
lugging my Windows laptop for that adventure, so I can use N1MM.

My $0.02 worth for the original question -- For "just a shack computer": 
* an i5 or an i7 processor (or whatever the AMD equivalent is), speed mostly 
* at least 16GB RAM (you could probably make do with 8 if you never multitask)
* solid state drive, size determined by other uses (probably minimum 500GB)
* minimum 1 HDMI/DP port if you have an ultrawide monitor; 2 such ports if 
you're using normal-width monitors
* if you need it and get a desktop, add a real serial port, either by PCI card, 
or if the motherboard supports it, cabling the port directly into the 
appropriate socket on the MB
* extra sound interface (a good USB fob is probably sufficient) for interface 
with the transceiver

If you splurge, my preference would be for extra money to go towards extra RAM 
first....but that's a reflection of my bias towards running too many programs 
on a computer at once.

The most recent Windows machine I bought for ham purposes was an impulse buy of 
a small (5"x4.5"x1.5") no-name PC off Amazon: 
https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0977YQT3K   I got it for less than $300 a 
year ago.   I was uncertain about buying an unknown Chinese brand machine, but 
at that price it seemed like an acceptable gamble for a project toy.

It's not my shack computer, but it is running my cluster node, some home 
automation tasks, and I've done some Office work on it as well without issue.  
I expect it'd be fine for most ordinary shack purposes.  It's advertised as 
being able to be mounted on the back of a monitor (saving desk space/reducing 
desk clutter), but I'd be a little concerned about doing that if the monitor 
tends to run warm.

I haven't looked to see if there are newer/better such machines available on 
the market; I imagine there might be.  I wouldn't be terribly surprised if some 
of those had discounted prices on Friday.   Just read through the reviews 
before buying, to reduce the risk of investing in a lemon.

Michael Adams | mda@n1en.org

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces+mda=n1en.org@contesting.com> On Behalf Of 
Gary J Ferdinand
Sent: Tuesday, 22 November, 2022 16:03
To: af5cc@fidmail.com
Cc: Gerry Hull <vy1aaa@vy1ja.ca>; Ron Notarius W3WN <wn3vaw@verizon.net>; 
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] new hamshack computer

I’d get a Mac of appropriate size :)

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