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Re: [CQ-Contest] [cwops] ARRL 10-Meter Contest reflections

To: amgoss05@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] [cwops] ARRL 10-Meter Contest reflections
From: Douglas Zwiebel <dougzzz@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 09:18:35 -0500
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
HI Andy,

Based on your comments, my SOAPBOX is empty cuz I was not a "winner."  LOL

I'll think about something to add for your story...Like how many more DUPES
called me this year as compared to last year (what happened with that?).  I
was running most of the time (or trying to).

de Doug KR2Q

On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 8:08 AM Andrew Goss AA5JF via groups.io <amgoss05=
yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:

> Hi contesting friends,
> The 2023 iteration of the 10-Meter contest is behind us. Lots of QSOs were
> made. Perhaps not as many as we had hoped and expected! But there are some
> impressive scores being reported already.
> I'm doing the write up of the full results of the 10-Meter contest, which
> will appear on the ARRL contest website when the results are posted in
> mid-2024. I begin work on that in February after log checking is completed
> by the ARRL.
> One thing that helps me tremendously in properly documenting the contest
> is by having access to first-hand reports from the field. That is, from the
> participants. That is especially important in an international contest,
> where my own limited knowledge is based upon my weekend from my station in
> Georgia (and just on the CW band). To that end, I'm writing this email
> asking you to send in a short report of your experiences.
> Many of you are already writing up comments. Thank you. If you do not
> usually submit soapbox comments, please consider doing so this time.
> If you do not feel comfortable writing in English, please don't hesitate
> to write in whatever language is best for you. I can run those through
> Google translate. (If the various forms don't accept your preferred script,
> send me the report, with a short English header so I know what it is, in an
> email).
> All comments are welcome, but, I'm especially interested in reports from:
> top-line finishers, first-time participants, and/or participants from
> outside North America and North-Central Europe. Since a major focus of the
> results article is about the winners, it would be great to have some
> comments from those who came out on top.
> There are five ways to do so, here listed in order of preference (for my
> purposes). You only need to do one of them. :)
> 1. Enter your soapbox comments directly into the appropriate line in the
> Cabrillo log before you submit.
> 2. After you have submitted your log to the ARRL, you will receive a
> confirmation email. In that email there is a link to add additional soapbox
> comments, linked to your entry. If you do this in the next few weeks, those
> comments will get to me in time for use in the write-up. This is also the
> way to submit photos (see below).
> 3. Write comments in 3830. Many of you have already submitted your scores
> there, and if you have already written a report, no need to repeat it in
> one of the other ways, as those are public.
> 4. Use my dedicated Google form, which has a few prompts to help guide
> your comments. These comments will only be read by me. No need to have a
> Google account. https://forms.gle/7mWdt4nHBL7PsUKr6
> 5. Send me an email with your report: amgoss05@yahoo.com
> Finally, if you have photos from this weekend, you can submit them via the
> interface that comes in ARRL's log submission confirmation email. It's
> always great to have photos! Include caption information (including who
> took the photo and who is in it, if appropriate).
> Thank you! Andy AA5JF, amgoss05@yahoo.com
> _._,_._,_
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