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Re: [RFI] Contacting neighbors about RFI

To: reflector RFI <rfi@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [RFI] Contacting neighbors about RFI
From: David Hachadorian <k6ll.dave@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2022 16:17:41 -0700
List-post: <mailto:rfi@contesting.com>
I had a neighbor with a sodium vapor yard light. The light would glow dimly and then wink out.  After I told him the light was cycling all night, he replaced the bulb and all was well.  Sodium vapor light is orange, mercury vapor is light purple.  They can both be problematic with RFI when they fail, especially on 80.
Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

On 1/23/2022 3:53 PM, Charles Plunk wrote:
I have been pondering on whether to do this or just wait until it died on its own. I triangulated some RFI to a light over my next door neighbors shed about 100' from my antennas. Thinks its high pressure type. Sodium Vapor, Mercury Vapor or the like, probably 220v. It use to be very bright. A electrician use to own the house and built the shed including installing the light many years ago. Ramps up for a few seconds, then suddenly dies off for more seconds, then starts again dusk til dawn. Its not lit, so thinking the ballast or electronics is trying to start the bad lamp I am guessing. Worse on 80m by far. Can control fairly well with NB on some rigs.
Any advice on asking the neighbors if I can unscrew the bulb? Think 
that will stop it? Rather do that than suggest breakers shut off or 
wiring disconnected.



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