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Running Scout mobile (was: [TenTec] enough is enough)

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Running Scout mobile (was: [TenTec] enough is enough)
From: casey.bahr@intel.com (Bahr, Casey)
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 14:39:00 -0700
OK, in that spirit, here's a Ten Tec question. What effect do
you think the latest ARRL proposal will have on TT....

OK! OK! Just kidding!! Put down the flame throwers! =8^)

Seriously, though, I'd like to hear any sound advice from
Scout owners who have actually installed and used them
mobile. I'm in the process of installing mine in a Land Cruiser
and am wondering if they really are as rugged as they
appear? Or am I going to have to reseat boards along with
replacing my oil filter every 3,000 miles?  Or worse?

BTW, my LC will have a dual battery system installed and
the Scout run off the 2nd (deep cycle) battery. I plan on 
running it at a full 50 watts most of the time through a
rear-mounted screwdriver antenna (older High Sierra model).
Operating CW, of course. :)


Casey, KS7J

> -----Original Message-----
> From: steve humphrey [SMTP:hamie@gte.net]
> Sent: Thursday, July 23, 1998 2:41 PM
> To:   tentec@contesting.com
> Subject:      [TenTec] enough is enough
> As a regular reader of this thread for the purpose of TT information,
> lets stop with the ARRL proposal stuff, if you have something to say,
> say it to the ARRL. Please let's get back to this thread which is Ten
> Tec. thanks
> Steve
> ka7a
> --
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