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[TenTec] Contesting and the OMNI-VI+

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Contesting and the OMNI-VI+
From: jreid@aloha.net (Jim Reid)
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 08:31:01 -1000
-----Original Message-----
To: Dale L. Martin <kg5u@hal-pc.org>; Ten-Tec Reflector
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Saturday, September 05, 1998 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] CT 9.37 and OMNI-VI+

>>>For some strange reason the OMNI-VI is not a favorite of

>ICOM's and the YAESU FT-1000's seem to be the rig of choice for the big
>contest stations...

There has been quite a discussion in CQ-Contest magazine last
year on this topic.  It has mostly to do with how the incremental
tuning operates on the Omni.  As I recall,  not positive,  there
exists some prohibited time,  when you are doing something
else,  maybe listening to the DX on split,  the transmittal
incremental tuning will not operate,  or something like that.

As a result of this prolonged dialogue,  few issues of the mag,
and maybe on the CQ-contest reflector,  a letter was sent to
Ten Tec describing whatever the  changes the "Contest
Community" had decided they would like to see.

Seems later on,  that something was in the magazine/
on the reflector that Ten Tec was pretty much ignoring
the raised issues,  or had chosen not to bother,  or

Anyway,  for whatever it is worth,  those are my recollections,
and they are probably certainly not completely correct nor

73,   Jim,  KH7M

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