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[TenTec] OMNI VI & TenTec Customer Relations

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] OMNI VI & TenTec Customer Relations
From: carl.s.hyde@lmco.com (Carl Hyde)
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 08:54:12 -0400

Bill wrote:

Hi Bill:  I own four TenTEc radios and have 3 complete Collins S-line
stations.  I love Collins for its superior quality but I hate finding and
buying parts.  I use Ten-Tec for the reasons you stated, the service, advice
and quality of performance and product is probably the best of anyone.  Just
try to get information out of Yeasu of Icom and you'll see.  Congrats on
your upgrade thats a fine rig.

Carl Hyde
Desk:  (609) 866-6386
Fax:   (609) 866-6414

POLITICS:  From the Latin prefix "Poli" meaning "Many" and the word "Tics"
           meaning "blood sucking parasites"

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