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[TenTec] Apology to Ten Tec group

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Apology to Ten Tec group
From: n4lq@iglou.com (Steve Ellington)
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 08:12:41 -0500 (EST)
Although I didn't complain, I do believe we should forgo posting Ebay
notices. The newsgroups are flooded with these cross-postings and it's a
constant point of contention among the users. Ebay is a game. The way to
win is to wait until the last few seconds of the auction and try to hit
your enter key right before the last second of the bid opening. Overall,
it's caused a lot of price inflation. Outrageous prices are being paid
because of the gambeling/game spirit. Although only a few postings have
shown up in this reflector thus far, an open door would lead to multitudes
of Ebay postings here eventually. 

John, Thanks for being concerned about the reflector and please feel free
to give us first dibs the next time you have something for sale. 


> Just want to apologize for my posting re an ebay listing of ten tec
> gear.  My sincere thanks to VE3VAW and Bob W8ATH for pointing out that
> this was not in the spirit of the reflector.
>       Won't happen again.

Steve Ellington N4LQ

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