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[TenTec] Elecraft K2 vs. Ten- Tec

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Elecraft K2 vs. Ten- Tec
From: ke5c@vvm.com (John, KE5C)
Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 22:04:50 -0500
> In size, maybe, the Scout would be comparable.  As far as features,
> I'd rate the K2 as a small Omni VI Plus.
> I have an Argo 556, which is a Scout without the 50w amplifier.
> Unfortunately, T-T discontinued that model a couple of years ago.
> I know that it may be hard to believe, but I've seen at least two hams
> state, on this list, that they had set their Omnis aside in favor of
> the K2.  We're a loyal bunch here, so that is quite a tribute to Wayne
> and Eric.
> 73 de Jim - AD6CW

I own a 6+, and I've operated a K2, and I agree with Jim.  The K2 is
much closer to an Omni than it is to a scout.  I've thought really hard
about building one, but I'm going to wait for their 50 W outboard amp to
come out and check the price at that point, well, maybe I'll wait...

73, de ke5c, op  john

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