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[TenTec] [Ten Tec] Not going to the TT hamfest? You can still sell your

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] [Ten Tec] Not going to the TT hamfest? You can still sell your rig!
From: mrwood@attglobal.net (Michael Wood)
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 15:04:45 -0400
I can't make it to the Upcoming Fest either, but if you have considered selling 
your good working order TenTec ssb rig  (w/digital display, WARC a plus) in the 
300-500$ price range, please contact me:

Mike K2CSJ

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  • [TenTec] [Ten Tec] Not going to the TT hamfest? You can still sell your rig!, Michael Wood <=