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[TenTec] Re: Ten Tec Stations

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Re: Ten Tec Stations
From: jimr.reid@verizon.net (Jim Reid)
Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2001 10:50:12 -1000
> http://www.synergenics.com/sc/
> This is a windows based program, and is designed to control 
> a repeater, a simplex repeater, or an ANNOUNCEMENT 
> MACHINE.... (taaa daaaa)
> It plays CW files and/or voice/audio files

Aloha Denny,

Well,  after reading through the stuff on the site,  it seems to
me that this program does not/could not actually key up the
CW of a Ten Tec HF rig. What it appears to do is put out
audio tones of CW which are then used to FM modulate
a repeater.  Unless the VOX is somehow used in the Ten Tec
rigs to do CW keying,  I don't think it would work.  Of course,
I guess  the program could be used up in the phone portions
of the HF bands to do CW "simulation" along with voice 
annotations,  but that isn't what I had in mind.

Now maybe I am wrong and don't understand.  And,  I think
that is the sort of CW that programs such as Hamscope,
now popular for PSK31 also do when"transmitting" CW.

Would this sort of "tone" CW be legal down in the CW segments
of the bands;  as PSK31,  which is also SSB tone modulation
and is "legal" as a "digital" mode?

Lots of questions.

I have also downloaded the W4FOK DOS program,  "The Mill",
and am beginning to look it over;  have not gotten far,  hi.

73,  Jim  KH7M

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