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[TenTec] Orion T/R Question, News

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Orion T/R Question, News
From: jimr.reid@verizon.net (Jim Reid)
Date: Wed Apr 30 18:23:38 2003
> >using non-QSK linears).  Ten Tec's standard response now:
> >forget the thing,  and be rid of it!!  (Hope I am not actually
> >putting words into Scott's mouth,  but the jist was similar).
> Heck of response to encourage current non-TT users to give 
> TT a try ... especially for those whose units have worked well 
> for years with non-TT gear and enjoy high power QSK CW ...

Bill,  You understood incorrectly!

His response was to get rid of the -5 switch because of it's
apparent non=reliability!  And,  yes,  he said some users of
the -5 have had success for years,  just happens,  but most
have problems of sorts.  He certainly was not saying,  to me
or anyone else,  sell your current linear and order a TT linear.

I am very sorry if my post implied such.......just have heard
of too many unhappy users of the -5 gadget.

73,  Jim  KH7M

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