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To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] BURNED AT THE BAY
From: Jerry Volpe <kg6tt@tomorrowsweb.com>
Reply-to: kg6tt@tomorrowsweb.com,Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 09:50:40 -0700
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
>Lesson is: You canĀ“t be to careful shopping at the net. And stick to this 
>site, after all we are all amateurs and gentlemen...
I wish that were true. Fact is my two worst trades, as far as equipment 
misrepresentation and eventual expense to me were concerned, came from 
hams who contacted me via this message board.  On the other hand, in 
over 150 eBay transactions during the past two years (nearly all amateur 
radio related), I have only received misrepresented items maybe three 
times and overbid about the same number of times. I agree that eBay has 
driven the prices up, but it also makes available such a wide range of 
choices for us no matter where we live. In all situations 'Buyer 
Beware!". Or as I always say to my sons: "No free lunch". If it seems 
too good it is. Read between the lines. Check out the pictures. If there 
aren't any or just one and it is too small, too dark, blurry, etc... 
RUN!. Ask for more. Ask questions. If it doesn't feel just right it 
probably isn't. If they say they are unable to test it.... well figure 
that one out.  Remember, what they don't say is what they don't want you 
to hear. Probably always best to deal with someone face to face but that 
simply isn't very practical in many situations.

Jerry, KG6TT
TenTec mailing list

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