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Re: [TenTec] tapping collective wisdom of Omni 6 owners

To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] tapping collective wisdom of Omni 6 owners
From: GARY HUBER <glhuber@msn.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2012 19:15:22 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>

I sold my OMNI-VI+ of ten years after trying out a OMNI-VII for thirty days. While I had worked lots of DX with the OMNI-VI+, I was concerned about parts availability. My OMNI-VII was purchased with the 300 and 500 Hz Collins mechanical filters (it comes standard with a 2500 Hz Collins mechanical filter installed). I did the N4PY sub-RX mod to extend the receiving loop out to the two auxiliary jacks on the back of the radio and added a FLEX-1500 which I use mostly as a panadapter but it also works to produce a 48 kHz bandwidth for CWSkimmer.
I believe you will find the OMNI-VII to be the one TenTec radio most similar 
in operation to the OMNI-VI+. Its pretty much What You See Is What You Get 
as far as the front panel controls and the menu is just one level deep, 
accessible via the MNU button. I've built some custom buttons and sliders in 
DXLab Commander to help automate the station, but manual control is very 
The OMNI-VII receiver seemed to be very close to the OMNI-VI+ receiver when 
I ran them side by side using a DOW-key relay to switch them between a 
common antenna, although the OMNI-VII receiver is subject to overload and 
requires the RF gain to be reduced. In fact, I seldom run the RF gain above 
30 percent on the low bands (just fine for NH8S on 7003 kHz this morning) or 
80 percent on ten meters.
The OMNI-VII transmit audio can be tailored to accommodate your microphone 
or voice. I've settled on 2600 TX BW, TX EQ 0 dB, and 15% Speech Processing. 
When more punch is needed, I turn on the TT 715 RF Clipper which increases 
the TX average power by 6 dB.  I seldom turn on my Titan 425 as I've found 
the OMNI-VII at 100W with the 715 RF Clipper is usually competitive (in DX 
or contest pile-ups) with a 500-600 W output amplifier and un-processed 
Full disclosure: AB9M is a Ten-Tec Ambassador and receives compensation of 
$40 when a customer purchasing a OMNI-VII uses my callsign (AB9M) to receive 
free shipping for their purchase.
You may contact me off list via AB9M at ARRL dot NET.

73 ES DX,
Gary -- AB9M

-----Original Message----- From: Carl Gansen
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2012 1:10 PM
To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] tapping collective wisdom of Omni 6 owners

Hello All,

I recently lost a Triton II, Triton IV, RX320, Ten Tec Omni 6 (plus
via opt. 3), 962 power supply  and a Hercules II/9420 power supply
to a lightning strike.  All antennas were disconnected.  All circuit
breakers for the sub-panel that feeds my station were off.  That is
the way I leave my station when I QRT.  The point of entry was where
an antenna cable blew through to an outdoor ground rod (1 of 5)
and elevated my ground.  I have sheet aluminum behind the sheet-rock
with a copper bar bonded through the sheet rock along the
length of my three benches.  The copper bar/aluminum sheet are
electrically attached at multiple points and my ground wire is
at most, 18 inches long to each of the ground rods along the house
just outside my radio room.  I felt I was reasonably prepared.

The TTO6+, even after 15 years, was still a delight to use.  I
believed that I would never be in the market for a newer radio.  I am
considering buying a used one but the fact that some parts are getting
scarce suggests it may be time to move on.

Hear is the premise of my inquiry:
I would like to hear from former TTO6+ owners that have moved on to
Eagles, Omni VII, Orions or Orion IIs.  What do you like?
What do you dislike? Do you miss anything about the TTO6 (performance,
ergonomics, whatever...)?  Would you do it again?

On a side note, I am really stuck on what to do with replacing the
Hercules II.  It took the brunt of the hit being closest to the
unfortunate ground rod.    The rubber feet got blown off of the 9420
and the screws were welded into the metal shelf that the power
supply sat on.   The ground strap between the Hercules II and the
copper bar left a mark on the back of the Hercules II that looks
like somebody attempted ot do a bit of arc welding.  The 500 watt
level fills my wants/needs adequately.  About the only time I use
tha eamp is when I am net control for a local 75M traffic net (which
is about the sum total of my phone use).  As good
as the Centurion is,  I do not need the extra power.  I liked the
instant on, no-tune, auto band-switching and QSK of the Hercules II
in concert with the TTO6+.  That was perfect for me.  Any thoughts on
this topic would also be appreciated.

Carl R. Gansen WB0CFF
9300 W225th Street
Belle Plaine, Mn 56011-4206
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