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Re: [TenTec] A-Meter Calibration in 3.033xa

To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] A-Meter Calibration in 3.033xa
From: Kim Elmore <cw_de_n5op@sbcglobal.net>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2013 08:17:39 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
I just did a careful by-ear test and Barry is absolutely correct: the AGC *DOES,* indeed, behave exactly as it should under 3.033xa. As has been pointed out here and, apparently earlier, the S-meter does *NOT* follow the AGC action and instead acts as if the AGC were set to "fast" in earlier firmware versions.

Kim N%OP

On 4/8/2013 7:46 AM, Kim Elmore wrote:
I listened carefully, suspecting that the meter no longer showed the AGC 
action, which is why I chose the extreme values. I couldn't detect the slow 
action by ear, but I'll listen again...


Kim N5OP

"People that make music together cannot be enemies, at least as long as the music 
lasts." -- Paul Hindemith

On Apr 8, 2013, at 7:07, Barry N1EU <barry.n1eu@gmail.com> wrote:

I use a 565, not a 566, but my understanding from previous discussions was
that the slow AGC in the latest firmware WAS slow in its receiver gain
control and it was only the s-meter action that was fast.  The fast s-meter
was throwing everybody off - listen with your ears for slow gain control.
I could be wrong, but I seem to remember John Henry weighing in with that
info.  If true, that means it's not a bug.

Barry N1EU

On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Kim Elmore <cw_de_n5op@sbcglobal.net>wrote:

Aha! I noticed the same thing last night! I set my "slow" AGC to some s l
o w values (1 dB per second and 1 s hang time), but nothing changes in
accordance with the settings. I, too, will go back to 3.29 for now.


Kim N5OP

"People that make music together cannot be enemies, at least as long as
the music lasts." -- Paul Hindemith

On Apr 7, 2013, at 23:16, Dave Heil <k8mn@frontiernet.net> wrote:

We installed it on K8WDQ's O II and it fixed the meter problem while
introducing another:  The slow AGC was not slow at all.  We tried
adjustments but found no success.  We finally decided to reinstall 3.029
until the bugs are worked out.
73, Dave Heil K8MN

On 4/7/2013 23 31, Tony Lelieveld wrote:

It does NOT affect the AGC and it is NOT AGC derived.  The S-meter
signal is processed through the DSP in the IF.  You can turn your manual
gain control up or down as much as you wish without affecting the
S-meter movement.  I personally love this feature but must admit that it
took a while to get used to it.

73, Tony VE3DWI.

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