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Re: [TenTec] Power Supply temperature

To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Power Supply temperature
From: Dave Edwards <kd2e@comcast.net>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 17:57:29 -0500
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
OK...Here's the scoop.
My rig is in the basement....a bit chilly down there.
At start, the heat sink is 53, the top of the cabinet is 54, and so is the speaker grille.
After an hour of receiving, the cabinet top is 68, the speaker is 64 
(both still feel cold) and the heat sink is 86. So, to the touch...the 
heat sink feels room temperature to slightly above.
I have one of those IR non contact jobs to measure the temp.
Hope that helps.

On 2/18/14 4:21 PM, Brian Carling wrote:
I will do the same and report results.

Best regards - Bry Carling

On Feb 18, 2014, at 4:16 PM, Dave Edwards <kd2e@comcast.net> wrote:

I'll go turn it on now.
20 meters, medium volume.

On 2/18/14 4:12 PM, Brian Carling wrote:
Thank you Dave. I think it does get hot just on receive only. I will try it 
that way for a while this afternoon. If you could do the same and tell me what 
you find I would appreciate it.

Best regards - Bry Carling

On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:33 PM, Dave Edwards <kd2e@comcast.net> wrote:

What happens on receive only?
I can turn my OMNI VI Plus on, let it sit for a while and see how hot it gets 
if that will help.

On 2/18/14 1:27 PM, Bry Carling wrote:
I have noticed that the power suply with my OMNI VI Plus seems to get extremely 
hot, even
wit hcasual CW operation.

Has anyone else noticed the same? I can barely touch the fins on th eback.

Thanks for any insights.

Bry AF4K

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