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Re: [TenTec] Any update on a replacement for the Orion II?

To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Any update on a replacement for the Orion II?
From: K8JHR <jrichards@k8jhr.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 22:32:13 -0400
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
First you make a statement.

Then you say:

"However I never once said that Omni-Rig was the reason that for this, because it's not. James made that bit up himself."
So not only do you blame me for what YOU said ... you go on to 
substantially contract what you first said.
What a colossal waste of time.   Sorry for the excess bandwidth guys.

------------------- JHR ------------------------------

On 4/8/2014 3:54 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:
You took the point out of context of the rest of the paragraph, James.
As a stand-alone point it is not true - not because the missing Omni-Rig
support in unimportant, but rather because most people don't even know it is
missing Omni-Rig support.   Therefore it is not a factor in the decision
process - unless someone would actually test one first.

There are many radio features required by a contest team.
Some of the points are so important that they are a show stopper on their

For example, when they first announced, Kenwood loaned the BCC (my contest
club) two brand new Kenwood TS-590's with the hope that it would replace our
previous "standard transceiver", the TS-850.  If the tests had been
successful, they would have sold several hundred radios immediately.

We tested the TS-590 intensively and rejected the radio on several points,
but the biggest point was "no band data available on the rear panel to drive
band-dependent accessories".
The Eagle is missing this too.  GAME OVER.

If I had to give just one reason why the Eagle would not be accepted by the
BCC, it would be because of the ergonomics of using it.  They wouldn't even
get as far as measuring anything.  Most of the guys here just don't like the
look and feel of how the Ten-Tec radios run - because they are different,
and the Eagle is even more different!
We have a small bunch of about 20 guys who love their Ten-Tec's but we can't
convince the other 380 guys!

IMO, most people either love their Ten-Tec radios, or they hate them.
Seems there is no in-between.  At least not on this side of the pond.

73 - Rick, DJ0IP
(Nr. Frankfurt am Main)

-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces@contesting.com] On Behalf Of K8JHR
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 7:54 AM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Any update on a replacement for the Orion II?

On 4/7/2014 4:15 PM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:

However I never once said that Omni-Rig was the reason that for this,
because it's not.
James made that bit up himself.


        Sheesh... got a  case of selective amnesia, Rick???
        Can I have some of what you have been smoking?
        YOU said this, NOT I.

        The record clearly shows this was YOUR claim.
        I think the exact testimony was:   (and I quote)

        On 4-6-2014,  YOU SAID:

        "James, there are 3 things that prevent the
        Eagle from ever becoming any contest club's
        (or dx-pedition's) radio of choice:
        3): No proper support from OmniRig.


        Clearly, YOU said this, not I. I have
        been consistent in saying it is not big
        deal.  How can you possibly say I
        "made this bit up myself."


        Just crazy talk.  Waste of bleeping time.

QRT   -- Sheesh.  I will stay out of it from now on!

====================  JHR  =====================


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