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Re: [TenTec] OMNI-VI question

To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OMNI-VI question
From: Ken Brown <ken.d.brown@hawaiiantel.net>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 07:27:57 -1000
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
Whether you can fix it yourself depends on your access to accurate instruments and your skill at using them.
The frequency accuracy of the Omni VI depends on the accuracy of the 
reference oscillator which determines the accuracy of the VFO PLL AND 
the BFO accuracy. The BFO in the Omni VI IS NOT LOCKED TO THE 10 MHz 
reference oscillator. The BFO has several adjustments for the different 
frequencies used for USB, LSB, CW and FSK. Those adjustment interact, so 
it is necessary to do them in the correct order, and them do them again.
You will need a way to accurately measure and adjust the 10 MHz 
reference and the BFO frequencies. A frequency counter with a known 
accurate reference would be the easiest way to go.
You mention having a signal generator. If that has an accurate reference 
you could use it and a general coverage receiver to listen to the beat 
between your sig gen and whichever oscillator you are adjusting. You 
will have to play around with methods of getting a sample of the 
oscillator and your signal generator at the right amplitudes to hear the 
beat nicely on the receiver.

On 10/19/2014 7:02 AM, wt4t@reagan.com wrote:
Have a beautiful OMNI-VI,new to me. I noticed the frequency readout is off about
.68 on the readout. checked with my Sig gen and then with a zero beat on WWV. 
Went Thur the manual,nothing about this problem. Is this something that TEN TEC 
needs to fix or can I do this my self? I realize no big deal,but would like to 
have things as they should be. be grateful for any help on this.
dale wt4t

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