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[TenTec] PO entroute to GE

To: tentec@contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] PO entroute to GE
From: Phil Sussman <psussman@pactor.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:38:32 -0400
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
About 20 years ago the move was afoot to migrate from something that was
indefinitely fixable to, what was called at the time, "planned obsolescence".
That included chips that would go out of production, using Lithium batteries
to hold memories which when exhausted would render the device useless, and fixed
'end of support' dates after which any remaining parts would be destroyed.

Now, our next "PO" generation is becoming "GE". The term "GE" refers to that
recent money making idea forwarded by Monsanto -- Genetic Engineering. For those
unaware, Monsanto is a chemical company that modifies things like seeds (wheat
corn, etc.) so they will germinate but they will NOT reproduce. The result is that farmers need to PURCHASE NEW SEED every season. Seeds can not be carried forward.
Likewise the future crop of radios will employ fixed internal program
expiration dates. The point being, in the not so distant future, that you will
NOT BUY a radio, but you will only LEASE it for a fixed period of time. Leading that line of reasoning are SDR's (software designed radios). Currently SDR's use
non-expiring source. (Stay tuned Microsoft fans) On the horizon are SDR's that
require software/user validation to install along with fixed licensing that stipulates programmed expiration dates. Needless to say these will be
accompanied by the hacker community willing and able to make your "radio last

Vacuum tubes anyone?

73 de Phil - N8PS

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